Making Work Fun
Making Work Fun is the podcast for anyone who wants to feel less stressed and more excited about their work. Maria and Natasha are life coaches with more than 25 years of combined corporate experience. In this podcast, they share what they have learned from the corporate world + the world of entrepreneurship and coaching. They tackle a wide range of work-related topics such as perfectionism, toxic positivity, money, burnout, rest, and much more, in order to help you have more fun in your work and in your life!
Making Work Fun
...by negotiating your salary
Maria and Natasha
On this week's episode, Natasha talks with Linda Street, Career Coach and Negotiation expert, all about salary negotiation. They share tips and tricks to support you in your salary negation conversations. You don't want to miss this episode!
You can find out more about Linda Street here:
To get in touch with Maria:
Book a free consult call: restovergrind.com/work-with-me
Email: info@restovergrind.com
Instagram and TikTok: @rest_over_grind
Download the "Take the Grind Out of Your Work" free workbook: restovergrind.com/save-time
To get in touch with Natasha:
Instagram: @natashatekeste
Website: natashatekeste.com