Making Work Fun
Making Work Fun
...by understanding and navigating ADHD (w/ Kristen Carder)
This week, Maria talks to Kristen Carder, an ADHD expert, top podcast host, and certified coach, about understanding and navigating ADHD.
Some of the questions Kristen and Maria address include the danger of toxic positivity in the ADHD world, masking and when it is productive vs. maladaptive, the concept of safe vs. unsafe people, and places where social media is helpful vs. not so helpful when it comes to understanding ADHD.
To get in touch with Kristen:
Website: https://ihaveadhd.com/
Podcast: I Have ADHD
Instagram: @i.have.adhd.podcast
To get in touch with Maria:
Book a free consult call: restovergrind.com/work-with-me
Email: info@restovergrind.com
Instagram and TikTok: @rest_over_grind
Download the "Take the Grind Out of Your Work" free workbook: restovergrind.com/save-time
To get in touch with Natasha:
Instagram: @natashatekeste
Website: natashatekeste.com