Making Work Fun
Making Work Fun
...by befriending your nervous system (w/ Leah Davidson)
On this week's episode Natasha talks with Leah Davidson all about befriending and regulating the nervous system. Make sure you tune in next week for Part 2 of this conversation!
About Leah:
Leah Davidson holds a Master of Science (Applied) from McGill University (Speech Language Pathology) and is also a Certified Life Coach (through the Life Coach School) and Professional Resilience Coach and Consultant (through the Forward Facing Trauma Institute). As a registered Speech Language Pathologist, she has spent over two decades working in the area of Traumatic Brain Injury. She is also certified in Pain Reprocessing Therapy, EFT, and Breathwork. As the host of the Building Resilience Podcast and the creator of the Advanced Training for Nervous System Resilience, Leah focuses on helping people learn to befriend their nervous system, manage their mindset and cultivate resilience. She is passionate about teaching others how to resolve and prevent burnout, stress, and compassion fatigue. Leah lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with her husband Rob and they have a blended family with 5 children. She loves to learn, grow, hike, read, travel and spend time with friends and family.
Connect with Leah here:
Website: www.leahdavidsonlifecoaching.com
Facebook: @leahdavidsonlifecoaching
To get in touch with Maria:
Book a free consult call: restovergrind.com/work-with-me
Email: info@restovergrind.com
Instagram and TikTok: @rest_over_grind
Download the "Take the Grind Out of Your Work" free workbook: restovergrind.com/save-time
To get in touch with Natasha:
Instagram: @natashatekeste
Website: natashatekeste.com