Making Work Fun making sales fun (w/ Keli Lyn Jewel)

Maria and Natasha

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After a brief end-of-summer break, Making Work Fun is back with both Maria and Natasha and a very special guest - Keli Lyn Jewel - talking about how the way you think about something can make such a big difference in how you experience it! A prime example of that is sales - a lot of us have very loaded thoughts about selling and Keli brings some drastically different and fun perspectives to the process of selling. What if you thought of sales as just a simple conversation? What if you thought sales is as fun as a party? What if we all accepted that consent is essential to selling? Take a listen to learn how you can shift your perspective on selling AND anything else in your life that you need to view through a different lens. 

To get in touch with Keli:

TikTok and Instagram: @keli.lyn.jewel

To get in touch with Maria:
Book a free consult call:
Instagram and TikTok: @rest_over_grind

Download the "Take the Grind Out of Your Work" free workbook:

To get in touch with Natasha:
Instagram: @natashatekeste