Making Work Fun exploring the opportunity cost of staying in a job that has more negatives than positives

Maria and Natasha

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This week Maria & Natasha talk about what you might be giving up by staying at a job that has more negatives than positives and how you can start tapping into your desires without feeling pressured to immediately make a massive change in your life. Often we are afraid of being honest with ourselves about what we want to pursue in life, because we think the second we admit it, we need to uproot our lives and make some drastic changes (like immediately quit our job, sell our house, or make a massive investment in a new business). But what if exploring your desires and exploring the opportunity cost of various decisions just means you get to know yourself better? And then you get to decide whether and how you want to pursue that in a gentle, gradual way (or a drastic way, if that's what you actually want).

To get in touch with Maria:
Download the "Take the Grind Out of Your Work" free workbook:
Book a free consult call:
Instagram and TikTok: @rest_over_grind

To get in touch with Natasha:
Instagram: @natashatekeste